Monday, March 29, 2010

We Moved

So, we moved.
Cherry Hill Luxury Apartments was a little too luxurious for us, so we decided to downsize a little. We moved to Provo and are living with my brothers in the house my parents own. I won't tell you much much downsizing went on, but if you've ever been to the 324 house, you already know.
Regardless, we are all much happier and healthier here and it's a blast to live with two fun uncles.
Also, we don't have internet yet, so my posts will be pretty sporatic...what a surprise, right?
I do have a couple funny stories to share about the joys of living with men who don't have kids:
- They like to babysit...isn't that awesome? Well, I don't know how much they like it, but they are happy to do it. When I got back from a run the other day, Talmage had learned all about worms. They also like to teach him about spaceships, P90X, and weightlifting.
-Changing a diaper is tantamount to an atomic bomb explosion. We came home last night from checking our email and Tanner explained in very graphic terms how Logan had filled his pants. He included a lot noises and hand gestures. I was surprised they didn't get out the gas masks.
They are awesome and we are grateful to them.
P.S. We still have the same phone numbers.


Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard reading this!
Laughing mostly about Tanner and how the boys are learning about random stuff.


Lindsay Mecham said...

That was so funny!

I'll have to come visit you!! :-)

Grace Coleman said...

So awesome! Those family home evenings are pretty awesome too! Wahoo!

Becky said...

oh that is too funny!