Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Carmel Apples

I have recently discovered the greatest treat in the world. Carmel Apples. I made them for a halloween party, which was a great success. The apples were so good and so popular, that I decided to make them for various family members and others who would really appreciate a good carmel apple. So this morning, while i was talking to haley on the phone, i took my dipped carmel apples and drizzled milk chocolate and white chocolate and sprinkles on top. I brought some over to my grandparents and then to my cousins the McArthurs. Imagine their surprise when they cut into the biggest carmel apple, and it was an ONION! HAHAHAHA. this was the best joke i have played in several months. not only an onion, but a very potent onion. it was such a surprise, i wished i would have made more. i didn't, which is good, because carmel apples are much better then carmel onions.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Four places I've lived:
1. Salt Lake City, Utah
2. Pleasant Grove, Utah
3. Provo, Utah
4. Minnesota
5. Sugar Land, Tx
- I know that's 5, but I had to include Sugar Land, since it's my favorite

Four favorite T.V. Shows
1. The Office
2. Lost
3. So you think you can dance?
4. Biggest Loser

Four favorite foods:
well, since i've been pregnant, basically every food has turned into my favorite food. i love food. but i still especially love
1. spring rolls
2. yellow curry
3. fruit
4. dairy (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, ice cream, milkshakes, etc.) - this may surprise you since i am lactose intolerant. However, since I've been pregnant, all i crave and eat are dairy products, and they haven't bothered my stomach at all. So i must not be lactose intolerant anymore. Who knew?

Four websites I visit
1. hotmail.com
2. superexcitinglife.blogspot.com
3. myresfamily.blogspot.com
4. bananarepublic.com

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Outside
2. Alaska
3. In bed
4. I can't think of anywhere else....

Four movies I love:
1. Little Women
2. My Fair Lady
3. Fiddler on the Roof
4. 007- any and all

Four People i tag:
1. Haley
2. Andrew
3. Megan
4. anybody else who may read this blog....

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Kathy tagged me on her blog, I also think this is lame, but Truston is still working on his paper...

Four jobs I've had:
  1. CNA/ interpreter at the Heber Valley Medical Center
  2. Physical Therapy Aide at Mt. Timpanogos Physical Therapy (or as Truston so tactfully put it, 'bum massager')
  3. The Most Awesome Salad Maker on BYU campus. aka. veg prep
  4. Sign Poster.... this really was the most awesome job ever. i worked for a local realtor posting his signs and picking them back up. it was especially awesome because i just had knee surgery and it took me a while to recuperate.

perfect! Truston's done....to be continued

Creating a Blog

Here I am, in the u of u library at 11pm, waiting for Truston to finish his plant ecology paper. It looks like I've got plenty of time on my hands, so I'll take this opportunity to start our blog. I've decided to start a blog for several reasons. 1. So my family can see what we're up to, which would entail 2. The necessity to better document our lives through photography. (Truston appointed me as famly photographer, and I've failed miserably. Only he is worse than me.) and 3. Because I've been so inspired by my awesome friend, Kathy, who is the queen of funny blogs. Hopefully, this will prove entertaining and interesting to those who see it.