Friday, June 18, 2010


In May, my MIL had pictures taken of all the grandkids. When we got to temple square it was a little blustery, an hour later it was pouring rain and the wind could have swept us away. Crazy Utah weather.
Talmage had an awesome photo shoot, it was mostly thanks to Uncle Race who had us all laughing.
This kid is so cute.

I love this picture because it shows that Talmage still has neck rolls. Even though I can see his ribs, some residual neck fat is still there.
By the way, I have a brother named Andrew. He also has a blog, . It is awesome. "Follow it, if you find it as awesome as I do." -Andrew


Lacee Curtis said...

These are the cutest pictures!!!

Kathy said...

You're right. Those neck rolls are amazing.

Dana said...

So guys have good genes together

Justin said...

Ummm.... he wins the Most Handsome Kid of the Summer Award. Good job guys!

Heather said...

What handsome boys!