and finished in record time. In fact, he ate a couple. By the time he was done his mouth and hands and chest were all dyed red.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Happy 24th of July!
For the 24th of July (Pioneer Day in Utah) we went up to Heber. We had an awesome time. Truston worked a little and Talmage and I hung out with Faith and Ran (Cousins) and Truston's mom. Talmage is starting to recognize dogs and cats and various other animals. He was totally entertained by Allie (their dog shown below)
and Jack the cat. It was a little hot for Jack, who hid out under my car. When Talmage pets them he does it just with his pointer finger, not his whole hand. He actually touches everything with just his pointer finger. Right now he's totally entertained by the wheel, which he wheels around slowly with just his pointer finger.
We played outside for a while and the cousins had a great time.
Grandma knew the trick to pleasing and pulled out some mini-popsicles. The kids loved them! and they were the perfect size for little mouths. Talmage started....
and finished in record time. In fact, he ate a couple. By the time he was done his mouth and hands and chest were all dyed red.
After Talmage was asleep that night, I went to the firework show. Two of the largest fireworks didn't go high enough into the air so they exploded close the ground. It started some fires and after that Truston was running around with his fire extinguisher fighting the fires. I think I enjoyed the fires as much as the fireworks.
and finished in record time. In fact, he ate a couple. By the time he was done his mouth and hands and chest were all dyed red.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Our child, the omnivore
Talmage loves eating. And like any baby, he puts pretty much everything into his mouth. Everything. Especially when he's excited, he'll grab his blanket and start biting it.
And this week, it's been a little rough. I was sick last week and he caught it on Wednesday. And then this morning he had a little rash on his legs and arms. I called our neighbor whose little girl had the same thing, yesterday. She said it was probably 'hand, foot and mouth disease', a viral infection that spreads from swollowing some of the bug. He's been sad and cranky, not his usual happy self. I thought he might like to go on a little walk to finish up the day, so we walked up a street to see Mill Creek. I rolled his stroller in front of it and he looked down and this huge, silly grin spread across his face. It was the first smile I had seen all day. He looked at me, smiled again and started wiggling closer to the stream. He was kicking his legs and waving his little arms and then he was so excited about it...he couldn't help but bite the side of the stroller.
And we wonder why he is sick.
And this week, it's been a little rough. I was sick last week and he caught it on Wednesday. And then this morning he had a little rash on his legs and arms. I called our neighbor whose little girl had the same thing, yesterday. She said it was probably 'hand, foot and mouth disease', a viral infection that spreads from swollowing some of the bug. He's been sad and cranky, not his usual happy self. I thought he might like to go on a little walk to finish up the day, so we walked up a street to see Mill Creek. I rolled his stroller in front of it and he looked down and this huge, silly grin spread across his face. It was the first smile I had seen all day. He looked at me, smiled again and started wiggling closer to the stream. He was kicking his legs and waving his little arms and then he was so excited about it...he couldn't help but bite the side of the stroller.
And we wonder why he is sick.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ezma and Kronk
Yesterday, Truston had the day off work so we decided to do a little hiking. After Talmage woke up from his nap we headed up Millcreek Canyon. We love Millcreek Canyon, it's so close and beautiful and not crowded. We decided to go all the way to the top of the canyon and take one of the trails up there. We got to our destination and it was beautiful- wildflowers and butterflies everywhere.
It was like heaven until we got out of the car and realized we had forgotten the baby carrier. Let me tell you, lugging 20 lbs. of wonder is not easy on the biceps, so we had to think of a quick plan. Luckily, the jogging stroller was in the back of the car, so we put our 20 lbs. of wonder into the jogging stroller and took off on one of the mountain bike trails (because they are a little wider). We hiked for about 20 minutes and then came to a fork in the road. We took the left and went down a ways, but the trail got to narrow so we turned back and took the the right fork.
The trail went up, up and away. And because of the bulky nature of a stroller and the fact that we didn't want Talmage too shaken up, Truston was pushing him with only the front wheel on the ground, manuvering around rocks and roots and such. So not only was he pushing the stroller, he also had it lifted up off the ground.
We kept hiking up this steep hill and probably about thirty minutes into it, I heard..."Man, this is hard! I'm like a human rickshaw. Like Kronk running around with Ezma on his back." The imagery was killing me. Needless to say, it was a beautiful hike and we thoroughly enjoyed the cooler weather even though it was a little more of a workout then Truston expected.
It was like heaven until we got out of the car and realized we had forgotten the baby carrier. Let me tell you, lugging 20 lbs. of wonder is not easy on the biceps, so we had to think of a quick plan. Luckily, the jogging stroller was in the back of the car, so we put our 20 lbs. of wonder into the jogging stroller and took off on one of the mountain bike trails (because they are a little wider). We hiked for about 20 minutes and then came to a fork in the road. We took the left and went down a ways, but the trail got to narrow so we turned back and took the the right fork.
The trail went up, up and away. And because of the bulky nature of a stroller and the fact that we didn't want Talmage too shaken up, Truston was pushing him with only the front wheel on the ground, manuvering around rocks and roots and such. So not only was he pushing the stroller, he also had it lifted up off the ground.
We kept hiking up this steep hill and probably about thirty minutes into it, I heard..."Man, this is hard! I'm like a human rickshaw. Like Kronk running around with Ezma on his back." The imagery was killing me. Needless to say, it was a beautiful hike and we thoroughly enjoyed the cooler weather even though it was a little more of a workout then Truston expected.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Temple Square
I have some family in town and this afternoon we met them down at temple square. We visited the "I am a child of God" exhibit at the Church Museum of History. It was really cute and fun for all the kids. Even Talmage, who thought a sheep puppet was very funny.
Afterwards we ate at the Nauvoo Cafe and then walked over to the reflection pond. The flowers were so pretty, I snapped a couple of pictures. While we were enjoying the flowers, some of my cousins were peddling the free mints we got from the Nauvoo Cafe, trying to raise a little money. Once we figured out why they were walking around talking to strangers, slyly holding out hands of peppermints, it was put to a quick end. So much for a little entreprenuership.
Talmage has started rolling his head back when he smiles, it's so cute. He has turned into quite the cheeser. I'm telling you, we get babysitting offers all the time. Especially at church from older ladies.
We finally got a genuine smile. Check out those teeth!
Happy Quesadilla!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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