Sunday, January 23, 2011

Potty Trained! my last post I mentioned that we were going to start potty training Talmage. We've been encouraging him to go to the bathroom for a while, but he stubbornly resisted. Finally, out of desperation and disgust for changing diapers, we went to the store and bought some underwear. He cried when I took off his diaper, "No! Not my diaper." ha, huge giveaway he had been playing us all along. Right off the bat, he's been almost 100% in the #1 category. It took a couple of days for #2 to make it into the toilet, but with some major encouragement and an ice cream cake (that my fabulous mom bought) we've been perfect for almost a week. Thank you Talmage. and Thank you Grandma for all the cheering and hullabaloo...Talmage loves it.
This foray into body excrements has really jolted my cleaning radar. If anything, I'm much more motivated to clean the bathroom (my least favorite chore). It also has me wondering if we should just potty train Logan right now. He was very interested in Talmage's potty training experience and has been trying to change his own diaper for months now. Anyways, I'm writing this down to tell you a funny story....
When Talmage has gone "big poo poo in the big potty" we call Truston and cheer and congratulate over the phone, etc. So earlier this week, we called Truston and he didn't answer. About an hour later, my phone rang and Talmage grabbed it and shouted into the phone, "DAD! I WENT BIG POO POO IN THE BIG POTTY!!!" I was laughing in the background, thinking it was probably funny for Truston when I heard Talmage say, "huh? ahhhh" and then he handed me the phone. Much to our surprise it was somebody returning a phone call from the doctor's office. I still thought it was funny, and I couldn't help thinking that it had probably made her day. I mean, if an unsuspecting toddler had shared such exciting news with you...wouldn't it make your day?

Friday, January 14, 2011


hey folks, obviously blogging is not my forte, or on the front page of my to-do list. But I thought I should update, since my siblings feel neglected if I don't keep them updated. So here are some random updates of our life recently...or not so recently
Thanksgiving, the annual Turkey Bowl. Young Men vs. Old men
Both Truston and Robert were looking forward to this showdown. Actually all the men in the house went, even my cousins and uncle who were here visiting. Thankfully, Thanksgiving was pretty warm, so we spent the day outside, occasionally going inside to cook something for our dinner. (It was the laziest Thanksgiving ever). The boys came home after a couple of hours we got the following story:
Robert was the YM quarterback. Truston rushed him.
After he released the ball, his finger headed straight for Truston's eye.
Good poke in the eye. His under eye oozed blood for a couple of hours and then it turned into a black eye. Thanksgiving casualty.
On to the other boys in my life:
Logan is as happy and fun as ever. He is a joking, teasing goofball. He thinks he's really funny and is constantly playing little jokes on us. Which sounds funny because he doesn't talk, but he communicates plenty. He loves following Talmage around, hugging his blanket, and playing with cars and trucks. He mostly loves to eat and my dad. He waits for my dad to get home every night and then follows him around like a puppy. Even if we've eaten dinner, he still wants to just sit on my dad's lap and watch him eat. He still loves to eat and can put away an impressive quantity of food. He likes to hang out around the pantry (sometimes hiding inside and popping out to scare us).

Talmage is still a happy, easy going guy. We love watching his little personality grow (sometimes into a little 'tude). He's moved up to Sunbeams and loves being a big-kid in Primary. He likes to help me cook, watching closely and stirring anything that needs to be stirred. Sometimes in the morning he will make Logan, me and himself some toast for our daily walk. He still LOVES cars (the movie and toys) and is 100% interested in anything with a motor and wheels. At the beginning of December we went to Dickens on the Stand (a Dickens festival down in Galveston). We loved all the costumes and performing groups, but we were especially tickled by the camel and elephant rides. Talmage and I rode a camel was awesome...and stinky.
Some funny things I've heard lately:
-hold you me. hold you me. (which is Talmage's still incorrect way of saying, hold me). and I said, 'no, way, I'm already holding Logan.' (and trying to cook dinner, of course) and Talmage says, 'hold you me. you have room.' 'where?' i ask, 'there' as he points at my other shoulder. haha, of course i could carry a 25 lb. 1 year old, 30 lb. 3 year old and cook dinner at the same time.
-'I'll just wait for it to get in my diaper.' which is his standard answer if we ask him to go to the bathroom. He is resisting potty training (even though he can do it) like it'll kill him. Actually, just today I bought him some underwear and he has gone by himself all day...we'll see how long this lasts.