Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Birthday Boy
We sang 'Happy Birthday' to him all day. And after every rendition he practiced blowing out his candles. This was a big year because, despite the increased number of candles, he is no longer afraid of them. After all that practice it took 3 puffs to blow out the candles. Side note: this morning, my dad asked him if we should sing 'happy birthday' again. He ran back over to the cake and said "Yeah! With the candles?"
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thomas is a Rock Star
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Random Catch-up
For example:
These guys have skateboards!” –Talmage, admiring Thomas’ plastic army men
· I asked him the other day, “Do you want to go potty?” He answers, “No, I’ll just wait for it to get in my diaper.” (As you can see, we might be lacking motivation.)
· I was walking around the house yelling, “Mom, Mom” and Talmage asks me, “Hey Mom, where is that other Mom?”
· We brought my mom’s van to playgroup because I wanted to bring a couple of extra kids with us, when I buckled Talmage in, he told me, “Ah, mom! This van is TOO cool for me.” Yes, it is a very cool van. Just like when he calls our Subaru, ‘the white race car’.
HHe also thinks he can do big things. He follows me around all day wanting to 'help'. He loves to help, from stirring a bowl to vacuuming the floor to getting all the games out so we can play one of them. The other day while he was supposed to be napping, I found him on our bed with our candy stash. "Hey mom, I got a lot of candy!" He was very proud of himself. Truston had the first week in October off. We enjoyed a little stacation. We spent a lot of time outside, the weather was SOOO beautiful (now we are back to hot and humid 90's).
Logan turned 1
Monday, August 16, 2010
Talmage is swimming!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Recent Texas Adventures
One day we went to the zoo. The highlight for everybody was watching Baby Baylor get a bath. Baby Baylor was born earlier this summer, it was super cute to watch him and his mommy with the zookeepers. --sorry for the fuzzy picture. It was so humid and wet that was the best we got.
The volunteer working there let us all pet one of the baby alligators. Logan, obviously not attuned to fear, reached out and grabbed this little guys foot, almost ripping it off. haha, sorry baby alligator. This little guy is almost 1 year, same age as Logan.
SLC/H-town Differences
1. All of the billboards/aggressive campaigning for body perfecting procedures in SLC have transformed to lingerie/porn shops in H-town. (funny commentary on both the world and mormon culture)
2. The Toyota Camry has replaced the Subaru as the most common car on the road. We’ve only seen 3 other Subaru’s in the past 3 week, there are only 3 dealers in ALL of Houston. Also, it seemed like there were a bazillion Toyota Corollas in SLC, none to be found here.
3. Lawn Mowing is a booming business here. Every once in a while I catch myself thinking, ‘How can they pay to water all this grass? What a waste of water.’ And then I remember we don’t live in a desert anymore, water is abundant.
4. Speaking of water, it doesn’t taste as good as SLC. But both cities have nothing on Alaska’s water. Best tap water we’ve ever tasted, and the coldest.
5. Also water related- people drive slowly through puddles. Like they’re worried about hydroplaning or something. What a bunch of wussies, if they drove Subaru Outback’s’ they wouldn’t have anything to worry about.
6. In more water related news, it rains a lot here. A LOT. It’s a real rain storm too; no sprinkle sprinkle for a couple of minutes, but a real downpour. Out of the first 10 days we were here, it rained 8. One day the pool almost overflowed and another day it hailed. I thought we were going to be impaled to death for sure. Luckily, our Subaru Outback is built to withstand killer hail.
7. People here are gaga over small kids/babies. I think Utah must be inundated with children; people here act like they’ve never seen a baby.
8. Frogs and black slugs abound, especially after rain.
9. The trash can got really stinky, really fast. There must be some chemical reaction between trash cans and stinky diapers that is super catalyzed by heat.
10. Back to lawn mowing, we’ve only seen 2 neighbors mow their own lawn. There doesn’t seem to be a child task force here. Maybe that is why people are so excited about babies? They see future lawn mowers?
11. The biggest difference is the heat. SLC is hot. H-town is HOT. In SLC, people don’t carry hand towels to mop up their faces. They don’t publicly pour water over their heads. They don’t wear bathing suits like it’s going out of style. SLC has hot days, Houston has hot months (April –October). Also, SLC is a dry, dusty desert. Houston is a wet, swampy forest. Good for alligators, frogs and rapid grass growth.
Well, that’s it. Love, Truston, Brittney and FLMA (Future Lawn Mowers of America)